Sweet Potato

Saturday, 8 October 2011 | 10:41 | 0 Atasinchi

Salam..hy semua hhe..apy lha ary niey x thuw np(?)mne bly bgtau secret lha hha..x dew lh nk wat pew secret2 niey tol x hha,,oke2 ite msok topic yg ite nk citer ckunk oke,,dha sedia 1,2,3 start crita haha..ary niey aqu bg boy aqu kek cklat yg aqu wat sendirik hhe x cye(?)cye kn jewk lha hha,,aqu bg ie kek cklat ie bg aqu toplus,,thuw x toplus 2 ape(?)x thuw ea(?)cnie aqu bgtau ala tmpat tok tmpal luka 2 hha,,tgn aqu kne pisau mcm nk ptoz tgn aqu,tjam gile pisau 2,,mek koe drah aqu x b`hnti2,,hha bez kne ,, hha bez2 ngiz gak hha,,nk thuw x2 stu story niey,,boy aqu atg umah nk mex kek cklat uh,,pas uh ie t`lpew nk bwk toplus uh,,sggop ie balik umah ie tok mex toplus uh,,wah sggop berkorban lha d`ktakn,,syg kow lha,,hakhak,,oke2 cntinue story tdie,,x smpat nk tnye ie cm new rce kek uh(?)ie men ftsal mlz nk gngoo hhe,,bex x aqu memahami,,hakhak,,lpz jewk ie blek men ftsal ie bg text at aqu,,ad lha smthing dlm text 2 yg x apt bgtau korg,,maaf :P lpz ie bg text 2 ie mcj text aqu bp jewk x lbh 5 kod,,rce ie dh tydow kod hhe,,twu2 jewk aqu niey hhe , but apy lha ary niey apt bg ie kek cklat uh ukn cng nk apt yg aqu wat haha,,hnye owg special cm kow jewk tau apt dry aqu hha,,k lha pai cniey jewk lha story aqu,,lau ad story bru,,aqu citer lg ea,,bubye,,salam,,

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Holla ! You've dropped in my space. Be nice here and copycats not allowed. Thank you :)
I`m Nur Farahana , 15 Y/O ,Taken by Mohamad Firdaus ;).
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Basecode : Ana Min- Ji
Template : Sya Syahirah
Header : OneWifey
Tutorial : OneWifey
BestView : Google